Successful HMA Veterinary Stakeholder Meeting

Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) hosts the HMA Veterinary Stakeholder Meeting to discuss the Implementation of Veterinary Medicines Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/6)

Date: 01.12.2020

Logo of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union Logo of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union

On 25 November 2020, within Gemany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, BVL) hosted the Veterinary Stakeholder Meeting of the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) in the course of the HMA II meeting with all EU veterinary and human medicines agencies held on the following day. Both meetings were jointly organised by the BVL and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines (PEI).

Aligned with the current pandemic restrictions, the meeting was held virtually. Its aim was to bring together the various stakeholder groups involved in the implementation of Veterinary Medicines Regulation to take stock of the progress already made. The Veterinary Medicines Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/6) entered into force on 27 January 2019 and will become applicable on 28 January 2022.

Julia Klöckner, Federal Minster of Food and Agriculture, opened the meeting with a welcome address emphasizing the importance of the regulation as a milestone towards the harmonisation of the European veterinary medicine legislation and in the fight against antimicrobial resistances.

Professor Thomas Heberer, head of department „Veterinary Drugs“ of the BVL, stressed the need for common efforts of all stakeholders involved when implementing the Veterinary Medicines Regulation, for which he considered a regular exchange a prerequisite. The great interest in mutual communication was reflected in the list of speakers representing the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency as well as the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, Animal Health Europe and the European Group for Generic Veterinary Products.

Overall, it was highlighted by all participants, that major key steps for a successful implementation had already been achieved. However, it was also pointed out, that further joint efforts are needed to fulfil the objectives of the Veterinary Medicines Regulation. This involves for example the forthcoming modifications of information technology systems, including the Union Product Database and the Union Pharmacogivilance Database, but also management of antimicrobial resistances in relation with therapy options for daily veterinary care.

In conclusion, it was agreed, that the HMA Veterinary Stakeholder Meeting was organised at a good and crucial point in time with a little over a year left before application of the Veterinary Medicines Regulation. Since the way forward requires a common approach, the need for further meetings was deemed necessary.

Year of issue 2020
Date 01.12.2020


Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL)
Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit • Gerichtstraße 49 • 13347 Berlin
Phone: 030 18444 -88250 • Fax: 030 18444 -89999
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