Notifications of applications for authorisation of plant protection products

New functional email address

Date: 25.01.2023

If you want to submit an application for the authorisation of a plant protection product in Germany, we recommend that you have a pre-meeting with the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), especially if Germany is to act as the zonal rapporteur (zRMS).

The BVL requires a summary of the product for which an application is to be made no later than six months before the planned submission date. An EU standardised notification form is available for this purpose: "Form to notify intended zonal applications". In Germany, this applies to application procedures in accordance with Article 33 and Article 43 of Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.

Please submit your notifications via the new functional email address:

The particular focus of these notifications is the description of the applications (GAP table). Shortly before the actual application, you will receive detailed feedback on the GAP tables and can therefore submit a previously checked table with the final version of your dossier.

Year of issue 2023
Date 25.01.2023


Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL)
Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit • Gerichtstraße 49 • 13347 Berlin
Phone: 030 18444 -88250 • Fax: 030 18444 -89999
E-Mail: *