Working documents on the nature and level of residues in fish published

Updated website on Residues

Date: 25.10.2021

In their meeting on 22nd and 23rd February 2021 the Member States of the European Union took note of three working documents on residues in fish considering consumer risk assessment.

The data requirements of Regulations (EU) No. 283/2013 and 284/2013 require tests on the nature and level of residues in fish under defined circumstances. The German authorities expect that these test results will be presented if the requirements are met.

A working document on the nature of residues in fish was published back in 2013 (SANCO / 11187/2013, 31 January 2013 rev. 3). Since then, first experience has been gained with the working document and incorporated into a revision of the document. Work was also carried out on a document to determine the level of residues in fish and the part for calculating the residues taken up with the fish feed was outsourced to a separate document.

More information can be found here.

Year of issue 2021
Date 25.10.2021


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