Revised registration report templates for applications for authorisation of plant protection products

Date: 05.05.2015

When applying for the authorisation of a plant protection product overviews and summarising presentations are to be submitted. The EU requires this information in the format of the draft Registration Report (dRR). The templates for these documents have now been revised.

In the meeting of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed of March 20 2015 the revised templates of the dRR were notetd. They shall be used as from 1 January 2016 for applications for authorisation as well as applications for extension or renewal of authorisations for which the data requirements of Regulation (EU) No. 284/2013 apply. The new templates are available below. There are two versions of the templates: One contains an additional document template ( which facilitates the preparation of the dRR by means of macros; (a use instruction is included in the package). The other version does not contain the document template and therefore is free of macros.

Year of issue 2015
Date 05.05.2015


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