Opinion of the BVL on the assessment of hemp extracts is unchanged

Date: 06.03.2020

In the press release of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) of March 3, 2020, the classification of food containing Cannabidiol (CBD) is not correct. The opinion of the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) on the assessment of these products is unchanged.

For extracts of Cannabis sativa L. and derived products containing cannabinoids (e. g. CBD) a significant history of consumption in the EU has still not been demonstrated by the economic operators, nor by the EIHA or any other association. For this reason, they are still considered EU-wide as novel foods.

The classification was made after reviewing and evaluating all available information in the EU Member States and at the European Commission. Therefore, the views on the classification of CBD of the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) do not differ and the position of the BVL has not changed.

Within the German Federal Government, the BVL is the competent authority for clarifying the question of whether a product falls within the scope of the Novel Food Regulation or not. The BVL coordinates its position with the Federal States which are competent for food control in Germany.

The BVL would also like to point out that other specific legislation could restrict the placing of products on the market as food. For Germany, the provisions of the Narcotics Act and the Medicines Act should be mentioned in this context. Products of the hemp plant that meet the definition of a narcotic or medicinal product are not marketable as food.

Year of issue 2020
Date 06.03.2020


Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL)
Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit • Gerichtstraße 49 • 13347 Berlin
Phone: 030 18444 -88250 • Fax: 030 18444 -89999
E-Mail: * presse@bvl.bund.de

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