Untersuchungen Gloger / BVL


Analyses at the highest level

In order to reach uniform standards in food control throughout the European Union, the National and EU Reference Laboratories collaborate in a network. The BVL hosts one European Union and eight National Reference Laboratories for certain residues and contaminants as well as for genetically modified organisms. Furthermore, the BVL is responsible for publishing the Official Collection of Methods of Analysis. The resistance monitoring of pathogenic agents in animals is another of the BVL's tasks.

Many topics, one goal

European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL)

The EURLs act as an intersection between the European Commission and the National Reference Laboratories of the EU Member States. Among others, their tasks are to develop and to validate test methods, to carry out arbitral analyses, to provide advice …

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National Reference Laboratories (NRL)

The National Reference Laboratories at the BVL act as an intersection between the EU Reference Laboratories and the official control laboratories in Germany. The National Reference Laboratories at the BVL coordinate the standardisation of test …

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