Tierarzneimittel BVL / Marcus Gloger

Veterinary medicines

Effective and safe veterinary medicines – healthy animals

New antibiotics or medicines against fleas: We authorise veterinary medicinal products for food-producing and companion animals at national and European level. The authorisation procedure comprises assessment of efficacy, safety, quality and environmental safety to ensure the effective and safe use of VMPs. Our goal is to safeguard animal health for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment.

The English website on Veterinary medicines is under construction. Please refer to the German website in case desired information cannot be found here.
Many topics, one goal

Das Bild zeigt Puzzleteile. (Quelle: Chaiyawat / Fotolia) Chaiyawat / Fotolia

Tasks in the field of veterinary medicinal products

The BVL is the national competent authority for the authorisation of veterinary medicinal products and related post-marketing procedures. The authorisation is intended to ensure the quality, efficacy and safety of medicinal products.

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Das Bild zeigt anonyme Menschen. rcfotostock - Fotolia

For users of veterinary medicinal products

In this section, animal owners will find information and advice on the use of veterinary medicinal products.

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Das Bild zeigt Kopf und Vorderläufe eines liegenden Hundes mit hellbraunem Fell, der einen Venenkatheter mit Schlauch in der rechten Vorderpfote hat. (Quelle: lculig / Fotolia.com) lculig / Fotolia.com

For veterinarians

In this section, veterinarians will find up-to-date information on the authorisation and marketability of veterinary medicinal products, publications, explanations and commentaries on various topics relating to animal welfare and animal health.

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Das Bild zeigt einen Arbeitstisch. yatcenko - Fotolia

For applicants and companies

In this section, pharmaceutical companies and other applicants will find helpful information and forms for application procedures as well as answers to frequently asked questions.

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Das Bild zeigt eine Katze und ein Schwein

The European Regulation on Veterinary Medicinal Products

In this section, we would like to inform you about the background as well as current developments regarding Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on veterinary medicinal products.

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Das Bild zeigt Tageszeitungen auf einem Laptop. fotofabrika - Fotolia

BVL Announcements

Find here BVL announcements on veterinary medicinal products and related topics.

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Direct access

Adverse events related to the use of veterinary medicinal products

Adverse events following the use of veterinary medicinal products should be reported to the BVL, even if a connection with the use of one or more products is only suspected.