Advice on the electronic submission of procedural documents

The BVL strives to simplify the national and European marketing authorisation procedures for veterinary medicinal products as well as the post-marketing procedures.

The English website on Veterinary medicines is under construction. Please refer to the German website in case desired information cannot be found here.
An overview

Electronic submission of documents for applications (eSubmission)

Since As of 28th of January 2022, the BVL only accepts electronic submissions of documents for marketing authorisation and registration procedures for veterinary medicinal products, as well as their follow-up procedures.

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Electronic submission of product literature

According to the "Guideline on eSubmissions for Veterinary Products", all application documents must be submitted electronically.

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Electronic submission of adverse event reports following the use of veterinary medicinal products

Adverse event reports must be submitted electronically to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

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