Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)

The SPC (Summary of Product Characteristics) is part of the marketing authorisation of a veterinary medicinal product.

It summarises its essential characteristics and accompanying information as agreed between the marketing authorisation (or registration) holder and the competent authority responsible for marketing authorisation and registration.

Here you will find links to databases that provide information on authorised/registered veterinary medicinal products.

All veterinary medicinal products authorised and registered in Germany, in other EU member states and in the European Economic Area (EEA):

Veterinary medicinal products authorised in Germany. SPCs will also be available for registered veterinary medicinal products in the near future.

The BVL provides here a short guidance for searching medicinal products or SPCs at PharmNet Bund (German only) for download.

All veterinary medicinal products that are marketable in Germany and Austria can be searched via a user-friendly query for substances and application form of veterinary medicinal products at:

The promulgations of the BVL are published monthly in the Federal Gazette and contain, among other things, information on the granting and expiry of marketing authorisations and registrations as well as product information text relevant variations of the marketing authorisation.

The information in the respective marketing authorisation notification is legally binding.