Promulgations of the BVL

The BVL's promulgations are published monthly in the Federal Gazette and contain, among other things, information on the granting and expiry of marketing authorisations and registrations as well as changes to the name of veterinary medicinal products.

Suspended veterinary medicinal products

In Germany, the following veterinary medicinal products are currently suspended:

Name of the medicinal productMarketing authorisation no.fromApplicant
Kexxtone 32,4 g Intraruminales System mit kontinuierlicher Freigabe für RinderEU/2/12/145/001-00327.05.2024Elanco GmbH

RSS feed and newsletter

If you are interested, you can also subscribe to the BVL's media and background information as an RSS feed:

You also have the option of subscribing to the notification of the Department of Veterinary Medicinal Products or one of the other Departments of the BVL such as Food, Crop Protection Products and Consumer Goods in the form of a newsletter.

By this means, the BVL also provides monthly information on authorisations and current notifications from the European Union for veterinarians.