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Register of online veterinary medicine retailers

Only registered veterinary medicine retailers are allowed to offer non-prescription veterinary medicinal products online.

Register of online veterinary medicine retailers

In the Register of online veterinary medicine retailers, you will find retailers located in Germany who are permitted to distribute non-prescription veterinary medicinal products via the internet.

Online sales of prescription only veterinary medicinal products are not permitted in Germany. Information on legal status of supply for veterinary medicinal products authorized in Germany can be found in the Drug Information System at www.Pharmnet-bund.de (for more information on the particular query for prescription free veterinary medicinal products in Germany see FAQs).

In the EU, each country keeps a similar register with retailers, so that retailers from other EU Member States can also be checked. The corresponding websites and information on the common logo can be found on the EMA website (see link below).

All registered retailers must display the EU safety logo on their websites, each with the flag of the country where the company is located. When purchasing veterinary medicinal products from retailers from other EU Member States, it should be noted that there may be differences between Member States in the classification of veterinary medicinal products offered.

EU safety logo

Registered retailers must display the EU safety logo on their websites. Clicking on the logo will open the national register for online retailers of veterinary medicines.

Beware of substandard and falsified veterinary medicines

Check every veterinary medicine retailer carefully before placing your order! Our safety instructions will help you.

Legal background

From 28 January 2022, Regulation (EU) 2019/6 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on veterinary medicinal products and the Veterinary Medicinal Products Act (TAMG) apply:

  • For the online sale of veterinary medicinal products, the provisions of Article 104(1), (5) and (6), second sentence, of Regulation (EU) 2019/6 apply in Germany, which are also declared applicable to veterinary medicinal products outside the scope of the aforementioned Regulation pursuant to section 30 TAMG:
  • Online sales of non-prescription veterinary medicinal products by registered retailers are permitted in Germany.
  • Online sales of veterinary medicinal products which are subject to prescription are NOT permitted in Germany.
  • The common EU logo shall be prominently displayed on the retailer's website with a link to its entry in the register.
  • A hyperlink to the register of online veterinary medicine retailers shall be created.
  • The retailer authorised to dispatch shall indicate on its website the contact details of the competent surveillance authority.