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Register of online veterinary medicine retailers

Only registered veterinary medicine retailers are allowed to offer non-prescription veterinary medicinal products online.


Fraudster keep popping up on the internet. When buying veterinary medicinal products from dubious webshops, you run the risk of receiving substandard or falsified veterinary medicines. These can put your pet's health at risk! Substandard of falsified veterinary medicines often contain no active ingredient or the wrong content of active ingredient, and even harmful ingredients are not uncommon.

This is exactly why the register exists. The register for online retailers reduce the risk of buying counterfeit medicines. The risk of buying a counterfeit is just as low as it is in a pharmacy or at the local veterinarian.

Safety instructions

You can recognise many dubious retailers yourself. Our safety instructions tell you what you should pay particular attention to in order avoid fraudsters. The following instructions will help you to recognise illegal offers. Do not place an order in case

  • an online retailer offers prescription-only veterinary medicines for shipment to Germany.
  • prescription veterinary medicines are depicted.
  • the prices of veterinary medicines deviate considerably from the usual market prices.
  • the website does not have an imprint stating the owner, address, and the competent supervisory authority.
  • Veterinary medicines are offered that are not authorised in Germany.
  • many spelling mistakes are to be found.
  • spectacular cures, the absence of risks and adverse events or something similar is promised.
  • offers such as "quantity discount", "trial packs" or "new remedies" are made with the intention to persuade people to buy.

If veterinary medicines are supplied without the original box or if the package or tablets look or smell unusual, you should not administer these products to your pet.

EU safety logo identifies serious offers!

The BVL's register contains only reputable online retailers for veterinary medicinal products. It helps you to find a legal supplier and thus minimise risks when buying veterinary medicines online.

Only online retailers from the BVL´s register are allowed to display the EU safety logo on their websites.

Clicking on the logo leads to the trader's details in the register of online veterinary medicine retailers.

Caution: Counterfeit!

Fraudsters are often located in distant foreign countries. This makes legal action difficult, which is the reason why webshops with dubious offers are unfortunately difficult to remove from the internet. With our safety instructions, you can already exclude many dubious providers.

Each EU country keeps its own register of online retailers for veterinary medicines located in the respective country. Registered retailers can be recognised by the EU safety logo with the flag of the respective country on their websites. Clicking on the EU safety logo leads to the register of online retailers of the respective EU country, and clicking on the website of the retailer´s entry in the register leads back to the website of the retailer. For more information about online retailers of veterinary medicines in other European Member States, please visit the website of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Please note that online retailers from other EU Member States are only allowed to ship veterinary medicinal products to Germany that are classified as non-prescription veterinary medicines in Germany. There may be differences in the classification of veterinary medicinal products between Member States.

The BVL is not responsible for monitoring online retailers for veterinary medicines. German online retailers are monitored by the respective German federal state (Laender) authority, which is indicated in the register for each retailer. These monitoring authorities provide the BVL with data of retailers registered for online trade with non-prescription veterinary medicinal products.

Some impudent retailers also display unauthorised third-party logos or advertise with a fake entry in the register of veterinary medicine online retailers. Therefore, you should always check carefully whether an entry in the register of online retailers is really genuine.

BVL animated film: Buying veterinary medicinal products online - is it safe? (German only)