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Register of online veterinary medicine retailers

Only registered veterinary medicine retailers are allowed to offer non-prescription veterinary medicinal products online.

FAQs (frequently asked questions)

Below you will find answers to selected questions on the topic ‘register of online veterinary medicine retailers’.

Is an online retailer for veterinary medicines definitely legal if the EU safety logo is on his website?

No. Because the logo does not have any validity on its own!

But with three simple steps you can reduce the risk of ordering from websites of dubious suppliers:

1. click

Click on the logo: If the online retailer is included in the register, a BVL web page opens with the register entry of the retailer who has a permission for online trade with VMPs.

2. check

Check whether the website address (URL) in the browser line of the retailer´s entry in the register is marked with a lock symbol and begins with www.bvl.bund.de/ after https://. Pay special attention to the slash (/) after ".de".

The lock symbol in the browser line shows you that the website is trustworthy (in different colours and designs depending on the browser used). It confirms that the page has a valid security certificate and that the connection is secure. Convince yourself that you are actually on a BVL website by clicking on the lock symbol and opening the certificate.

3. buy

Re-open the website of the retailer for VMPs via one of the links provided in the register for online retailers. Do not use the "back" function of your browser and do not go back into a window that may still be open.

If no entry in the register for online retailers is opened when clicking on the logo, this may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • The logo was installed incorrectly.
  • There is a technical error.
  • It is a dubious provider who misuses the logo.

Learn more about sub-standard and falsified medicines

Is the EU safety logo only allowed to appear on websites of retailers that are registered?

Yes, the EU safety logo may only be used on registered websites. Furthermore, the logo is protected by copyright. The German safety logo may not be used without the consent of the BVL.

The use of the logo by online retailers for VMPs is basically limited to the link from the website of the retailer to the respective register entry of the BVL.

Does the BVL perform on site checks of the registered online retailers?

No. The competent authorities pursuant to German federal states (Laender) law, which also issue the online retailer licence, are responsible for monitoring retailers for VMPs.

When clicking on the EU safety logo, the retailers entry in the register does not open. Is the website fake?

The page does not have to be fake. To check whether the logo nevertheless appears legitimately on the website of the online retailer, see if you can find him in the overview of all registered online retailers.

Other reasons why the click on the logo does not lead to a register entry:

The logo was installed incorrectly.

There is a technical error. Try again later again, if the access the register entry works.

It is a dubious provider who misuses the logo.

Learn more-about the EU safety logo

The online retailer for veterinary medicines of my trust does not have an EU safety logo on his websites. However, I consider the company to be reputable. How can that be?

Registered retailers must present the logo on their websites. To find out whether the retailer in question is registered, please also refer to the overview of all registered online retailers.

If the logo is missing on the website and the online retailer is not listed in the register either, there may be several reasons for this:

  • He has a permission for online sales of VMPs, but is not yet registered.
  • He does not have a permission for online trade with VMPs.
  • It is a dubious provider.

I am an online retailer for veterinary medicinal products with a permission for online sales. How can I get registered?

If you are not yet registered in the BVL register for online retailers:

To be included in the register for online retailers, please contact the supervisory authority responsible for you in the German federal states (Laender). They will forward the necessary documents to the BVL. As soon as your entry appears in the register, the BVL will send you information on how to place the EU safety logo on your website(s).

How to use register for online retailers

Are online retailers for human and veterinary medicinal products to be found in the same register?

No. The BVL Register only contains online retailers of veterinary medicinal products.

The register of online medicinal products for human use is kept by the BfArM and can be accessed by using the following link:

German Register of Online Medicine Retailers

The online retailer for veterinary medicines you are looking for is not listed in the register. What does this mean?

You cannot find the retailer in the list? This may be due to the following reasons:

The online retailer has a permission for online trade with veterinary medicinal products but is not yet registered.

The online retailer has no permission for online trade with veterinary medicinal products.

The online retailer is not located in Germany; you may be able to find him on the site of another EU member state:

List of registers of online medicine retailers

I would like to complain about an online retailer that is listed in your register. Should I send the complaint to the BVL?

No. Please contact the competent German federal state (Laender) authority for this particular retailer, which you can find in the register of online retailers.

They also have the right to take legal action. The BVL is merely the authority keeping the register.

Are online retailers from other EU member states also allowed to send veterinary medicinal products to Germany?

Yes, but please note that online retailers from other EU Member States may only send veterinary medicinal products to Germany that are authorised in Germany and classified as non-prescription veterinary medicines. There may be differences in the classification of veterinary medicinal products between Member States.

Each EU country keeps its own register for online retailers that are located in the respective country. You can recognise registered retailers by the EU safety logo with the flag of the respective country on their websites. For more information on online retailers in other European Member States, please visit the European Medicines Agency (EMA) website by using the following link:


The BVL is not a supervisory authority for online trade with veterinary medicinal products and cannot warrant the legitimacy of online offers of veterinary medicinal products.

If you would like to order veterinary medicinal products from online companies based in other Member States, please refer to our FAQs.

Where to find the information if a veterinary medicinal product is prescription free in Germany (legal status of supply)?

Information about the legal status of supply of veterinary medicinal products authorised in Germany can be found in the Drug Information System at www.pharmnet-bund.de

Please note that query form is only available in German.

Select Search Access in the Drug Information System.

Select the following parameters in the query form:

Human- oder Tierarzneimittel






Finally press button

Suche starten

Here you will find a list of all veterinary medicinal products that are available prescription free, either OTC only in pharmacies (“apothekenpflichtig”) or OTC in less well- regulated outlets (“freiverkäuflich”).