Residues of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs

Active substances intended to be used for the treatment of food-producing animals are subject to strict legal regulations in the EU.

The English website on Veterinary medicines is under construction. Please refer to the German website in case desired information cannot be found here.

Maximum residue limits

Prior to the actual marketing authorisation procedure, in the case of medicinal products for food-producing animals, the food safety of the active substances must be assessed and a classification made with regard to the need for maximum residue limits.

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Withdrawal periods in marketing authorisation procedures

Withdrawal periods are established during the marketing authorisation procedure. Compliance with them ensures that residues of pharmacologically active substances in meat, milk, eggs or honey do not exceed the established maximum residue limits (MRLs).

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Withdrawal periods for animals in clinical trials

For clinical trials or residue depletion studies to be carried out in food-producing animals, withdrawal periods according to § 10 Veterinary Medicinal Product Act (TAMG) can be set allowing the animals themselves or the products of which to enter …

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