The notification procedure for plant strengtheners

Before a plant strengthener is placed on the market for the first time, the party intending to place it on the market must notify the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). The following documents are necessary:

  • a completed notification form
  • data and documents according to § 45 of the Plant Protection Act; these documents are defined on the notification form
  • a declaration that the product has no harmful effects when applied correctly and for its intended use, nor as a consequence of its application

The notification form and advice on how to fill this in can be retrieved in the right hand colum. The documents must be submitted as one hard copy (on paper) or one copy on storage medium (CD, DVD). Please send the documents only by post. Documents should not be submitted by e-mail, not even in addition or in advance.

The BVL checks to see whether the product complies with the definition of a plant strengthener and whether the other requirements for plant strengtheners are fulfilled. The basis for this comprises the composition (formulation) of the product, the instructions for use and the ingredients' and product's mode of action.

The BVL can prohibit the placing on the market of the product according to § 45 (4) of the Plant Protection Act if there are signs that the product has harmful effects on human and animal health, groundwater or the environment, or the product does not fulfil the requirements according to § 2 No 10 of the Plant Protection Act, i.e. cannot be defined as a plant strengthener.

If a product's label is misleading, e.g. if it is similar in appearance like a plant protection product, the BVL can summon the party intending to place it on the market to change the text within three months. If this does not happen, the BVL can prohibit the product from being placed on the market.

If the product fulfils the requirements, it is placed on the list of plant strengtheners by the BVL. The notifier receives corresponding written notification.

For applications made after 1 October 2021 the fees of the Special Fees Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMELBGebV) apply. For plant strengtheners please see the fee numbers 13.4 to 13.7. For standard processing including the placement on the list the BVL charges a fee of 1800 - 3500 euros. In accordance with the transitional provision in Section 7 BMELBGebV, the fee regulations in force until 30 September 2021 (Plant Protection Fee Ordinance) shall continue to apply to the collection of fees and expenses for chargeable services applied for or started before 1 October 2021 even if not yet fully completed.

Transfers of authorisation for a product which is already listed and further distributors, as were admissible according to old legislation, are no longer provided for according to current legislation for plant strengtheners. Every party intending to place a plant strengthener on the market must notify the BVL of this according to § 45 of the Plant Protection Act.