Notification concerning the classification and labelling of hazardous substances with regard to plant protection products

Issued on 27 November 2014

The globally harmonised system for classifying and labelling chemicals (GHS) in the European Union was introduced with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP-Regulation). As from 1 June 2015 the titles II, III and IV of the CLP-Regulation also apply to mixtures. This means that from this date onwards plant protection products will have to be labelled according to the Regulation stated above.

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) assumes that the company placing a product on the market will also be responsible for the classification and labelling of hazardous substances according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The BVL provides information on the classification and labelling of plant protection products in the authorisation and approval certificates. This information constitutes a notification regarding the result of the assessment authorities' evaluation of the application. This information can be considered as an indication. On the contrary, labelling conditions and conditions of application which are a result of the actual risk assessment for the plant protection product and which the BVL stipulates according to plant protection legislation at the time of authorisation are binding for the applicant.

Authorisation and approval certificates from the BVL now regularly contain information on the classification and labelling of hazardous substances, also corresponding to the new stipulations (GHS).

The BVL will not automatically generate notifications of amendment for the classification and labelling of authorised plant protection products for which the new labelling according to GHS was not already stated in the certificate. If authorisation, including the deadline for selling products, extends beyond 1 June 2015, the authorisation holder is responsible for the new label himself. The BVL must be informed immediately of the new label. This obligation to inform the BVL originates from Article 31 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, according to which the Member State can commit the authorisation holder in Germany to inform the authorisation authority immediately about any amendments he has made to classification and labelling.

An Excel form will be made available on the Internet for this purpose. It is sufficient to fill in the sheet "Product data"; the remaining sheets are for guidance. The applicant is requested to send the completed forms as Excel files via the applicant portal or on storage medium. The data is intended as information for the BVL and the assessment authorities; confirmation of receipt is not planned.

This notification replaces the BVL notification of 12 August 2009 (BVL 09/02/18, BAnz p. 3126).

Braunschweig, 27 November 2014

Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)

– Braunschweig Office –

Dr. K. Hohgardt