Pflanzenschutzmittel Fotolia / Alekss

Plant protection products

Critically examined - plant protection products

The BVL is responsible for authorising plant protection products in Germany. In this process, the BVL is responsible for risk management, i.e. for authorisation decisions and administrative measures to protect both humans and the environment. Furthermore, the BVL acts as the national coordination point in the European cooperation to evaluate active substances in plant protection products and to determine maximum residue levels. It lists plant resistance improvers and adjuvants which are permitted in Germany.

Many topics, one goal

Das Bild zeigt einen aufgeschlagenen Aktenordner in Nahaufnahme. Thomas Meinert /

Authorisation of plant protection products

Plant protection products may only be marketed and used when they authorised by the BVL. The BVL informs here on authorised products.

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Das Bild zeigt Pflanzen, die von einer Krankheit befallen sind. (Quelle: Marcus Gloger / BVL) Marcus Gloger / BVL

EU Review of Active Substances

Active substances in plant protection products are assessed in the EU by a community procedure, at the end of which a decision is taken whether an active substance is approved for the use in plant protection products. The BVL is the German …

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Das Bild zeigt Salat in einem Korb. (Quelle: / Fotolia) / Fotolia

Plant strengtheners

Plant strengtheners are products which are intended to maintain plant health or to protect plants against non-parasitic impairments. The BVL must be notified before placing a plant strengthener on the market.

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Das Bild zeigt ein Kornfeld. (Quelle: Reddogs / Fotolia) Reddogs / Fotolia

Adjuvants for plant protection products

Adjuvants are mixed with plant protection products in order to improve, for example, wetting or to prevent foaming. Adjuvants need an approval of the BVL.

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Einkaufen im Internet © momius/Fotolia

Task Force "Illegal Trade of Plant Protection Products"

The Task Force supports the Federal States in fighting the illegal trade of plant protection products.

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Das Bild zeigt rote Johannisbeeren. (Quelle: renagroby94 / Fotolia) renagroby94 / Fotolia

Residues and maximum residue levels

Maximum residue levels (MRLs) are limits for residues of pesticides in food and feed. MRLs are established in an EU procedure.

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Das Bild zeigt Reagenzgläser. (Quelle: BVL) BVL

Product chemistry

Apart from the active substances, plant protection products also contain co-formulants, such as wetting agents, emulsifiers and solvents. In the authorisation procedure the composition of each plant protection product including impurities is …

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