Domestic sales and export of plant protection products and their active substances

Pursuant to Section 64 of the Plant Protection Act, manufacturers, distributors and importers of plant protection products are obliged to report annually to the BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety) the quantities of plant protection products and the active substances contained therein that have been placed on the market within Germany or exported from Germany. Plant protection products for which approvals have been granted for parallel trade must also be reported.

The BVL compiles annual reports from the summarised notifications. These reports are listed below. The sales quantities of the individual active substances in plant protection products since 1987 are also available there in a separate table. These are sales figures only, and not data on the use of plant protection products. The reported figures refer to the beginning of the trade chain, i.e. to the goods that the authorisation holder sells to co-distributors and (wholesale) traders. Data on the quantities sold to end users or on the regional distribution of the sales quantities to individual federal Länder or regions are not available.

For products distributed after authorisation by the BVL for emergency situations (according to Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, before § 11 (2) No. 2 of the Plant Protection Act), there was no reporting obligation for the reporting years up to and including 2011. Until then, the approved quantities of these products were included in the statistics, unless other information was available.

The export of formulated plant protection products (even if they are not authorised in Germany) must be reported, but not the export in the form of the technical active substance.

Here you will find further information and forms for persons obliged to notify.

Since 2009, the assignment of active substances to groups has followed the harmonised classification in the current version of Annex III to Regulation (EC) 1185/2009 concerning statistics on pesticides. Therefore, the data for some groups of active substances are not comparable with previous years. Inert gases for storage protection were classified as as other plant protection products between 2011 and 2015 in the harmonised classification, and as insecticides again since 2016.

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