Information on authorised plant protection products

The BVL offers information on authorised plant protection products in various formats. The registers and lists described below are found as links and downloads further down.

Register of plant protection products

The register contains the authorised products with comprehensive information on classification and labelling, use restrictions, and directions for use. The register is published annually and is available as pdf download.

Online data base

This free-of-charge internet database allows for searches for the authorised plant protection products. The data are updated in monthly intervals.

Concise list

Quarterly, the BVL issues a concise bilingual (German / English) list of authorised products. Included is a list of terminated authorisations.

Selection for organic farming

Also quarterly, the BVL compiles a list of authorised plant protection products which may be used for organic farming. The selection is based on Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007.

Authorisation information as a database file

The authorisation information which forms the basis for the online data base is available also as a database file. The use of this file requires appropriate skills and software.

Plant resistance improvers and adjuvants

Plant resistance improvers and adjuvants are subject to listing procedures. Listed products are published in separate tables.

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