Auf dem Bild sind Hände zu sehen, die in eine Cremedose fassen, die kein Etikett trägt. © krimar/

Consumer products

Risk management from A to Z

The BVL is responsible for coordinating certain monitoring tasks for all commodities - i.e. products which come into contact with food or your body, such as packaging materials and cleaning products, household chemicals, cosmetics and tattooing agents – and for tobacco products as well. The BVL regularly informs the German Poison Information Services about the composition of cosmetic agents and tattooing agents. Apart from that, the BVL provides a list of products for prevention of Infections.

Many topics, one goal

Das Bild zeigt Puzzleteile. (Quelle: Chaiyawat / Fotolia) Chaiyawat / Fotolia

Tasks in the area of consumer products

The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) assumes the tasks of risk management and coordinates the process of monitoring by the Federal States (Bundesländer) for tobacco products, cosmetics, food contact materials and other …

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