Lebensmittel Fotolia / kirill4mula


Healthy fed animals – safe food

Many food crises in the past were caused by contaminated feed. Therefore feed safety is of great importance for the BVL. The BVL contributes towards coordinating the National Control Program of Feedingstuffs and coordinates EU-wide investigation and survey programmes. It checks applications for the authorisation of feed additives and dietetic feed and manages the register of approved or registered feed business operators and the register of stipulated border posts for importing certain animal feedingstuffs.

Many topics, one goal

Das Bild zeigt Puzzleteile. (Quelle: Chaiyawat / Fotolia) Chaiyawat / Fotolia

Tasks in the area of feed

Safe animal feed is a prerequisite for safe and wholesome food derived from animals, and healthy and efficient animals. The federal states (Bundesländer) control the proper production, movement and the use of animal feed. The Federal Office of …

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