Key role of BVL in the world-wide alert and information systems

Overview of alert and information systems for consumer health protection

In order to ensure the high level of health protection within the European Union, various networks and systems were made available to the competent food monitoring authorities of the EU member states, which facilitate the cross-border exchange of information and the effective information of the general public.

Red pepper with bio-hazard safety concept food safety warning Source: © zimmytws /

Feed, food, and consumer products may pose health risks. If products that are harmful to the health are identified, the competent authorities will take the necessary steps to provide consumers with the best possible protection. This includes rapid information and alerts issued to the general public and the contact between the competent authorities and transnational exchange of information among them.

Depending on which product is concerned and who needs to be informed, the competent authorities will start coordinated processes. To this end, a number of networks were established.

In Germany, the BVL serves as the national contact point for various national, European, and world-wide networks for consumer health protection. Networks and systems in which BVL is involved are listed below.

Networks for alerts, information, and exchange of information

RASFF - European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed ACC - European System for Administrative Assistance and Cooperation INFOSAN - International Food Safety Authorities Network - Public internet portal for the information of consumers FIS-VL - Expert information system for consumer protection and food safety RAPEX- European Rapid Alert System for Consumer Produc RASFF AAC INFOSAN FIS-VL RAPEX Overview of the BVL national and international alert and information systems

Illustration 1: Overview of the BVL national and international alert and information systems
Credits (clockwise from the top): metamorworks / master1305 / peshkov / vaitekune / Song_about_summer / Paulista -

Given the free movement of goods within the European Union (EU), the competent authorities in the member states must be able to inform each other to ensure rapid intervention when health risks in the area of food and feed products arise. Back in 1979 the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was established. RASFF enables the rapid cross-border exchange of information at any time.

In the area of consumer products, information on hazardous non-food products may by exchanged via the European Rapid Exchange of Information System (RAPEX).

European authorities along the entire agri-food chain are digitally linked through various IT systems. The Information Management System for Official Controls ( IMSOC) will help to link these systems even closer. One component of the IMSOC is the web-based „iRASFF“ application, which may be used both for the exchange of RASFF notifications and for conducting so-called administrative assistance proceedings through Administrative Assistance and Cooperation (AAC). AAC enables early cooperation and preventive actions when a (potential) health risk is determined.

Furthermore, the Food Fraud Network (FFN) uses the web-based iRASFF application within the IMSOC framework to enable a close, cross-border cooperation when misleading or fraudulent food practices are suspected.

Products that pose a health risk may also originate in non-EU states or be exported from the EU to such states. In order to ensure an efficient cooperation between the government authorities also in these cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations established the INFOSAN Network.

When hazardous products are marketed and become available to consumers in spite of all precautions, business operators and government authorities will inform the general public. In Germany, authorities may use the portal. On this portal, consumer alerts regarding food, cosmetics, and consumer products are published.

The BVL established the web-based Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (FIS-VL) for the secure exchange of information and documents between the government authorities responsible for consumer health protection at EU, federal, state, and district level. It is primarily geared at authorities at the national level and supports their cooperation.

Link to all warning and information systems