Alert and information systems

Many topics, one goal

Laboruntersuchung Lebensmittel metamorworks -

The European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)

The European Union offers one of the highest food safety standards in the world. A key instrument is RASFF - the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed.

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Verbraucherprodukte Paulista -

The European Rapid Alert System for Consumer Products (RAPEX)

The fastest possible exchange of information between the competent government authorities of EU member states enables timely actions for consumer protection. The vital instrument is the RAPEX rapid alert system.

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Netzwerk master1305 -

The European Network for Administrative Assistance and Cooperation (AAC)

The European Network for Administrative Assistance and Cooperation enables a close cooperation in the enforcement of EU requirements along the entire agri-food chain, including cases where no health risk was determined.

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Netzwerk welt © peshkov -

INFOSAN - Global Food Safety

Good partnerships and the multi-lateral exchange of information are indispensable for effective actions when food safety is under threat. INFOSAN links food safety authorities in order to reduce food-related risks world-wide.

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Das Bild zeigt eine Getränkepackung mit Lupe. vaitekune -

Food product alerts

On behalf of the federal states, the BVL operates the internet portal with alerts on food products, cosmetics, and consumer products.

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Informationen Song_about_summer -

Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (FIS-VL)

Efficient cooperation with the FIS-VL by BVL. The Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (FIS-VL) allows the easy, fast, and secure exchange of documents and, thus, supports the expert ...

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