Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (FIS-VL)

The “Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety“(FIS-VL) forms an essential basis for the cooperation and networking of all agencies of the federal government, the individual state governments, local authorities, and the European Union in the overall area of consumer health protection.

As a web-based system it provides an ideal platform for a quick and secure exchange of information, for the collaborative processing of documents, and for the coordination of timelines between all parties involved.

What is the FIS-VL?

The content of the Specialised Information System for Consumer Protection and Food Safety developed by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) is an information and document management system established in 2005. It is intended to serve the fast and secure exchange of information and the functional cooperation of government authorities. The FIS-VL is web-based and therefore runs independently of any specific software used by the various government authorities or companies. Currently, more than 15,000 persons are registered in the FIS-VL. The users work in federal and state government authorities, local governments, and the European Union (EU) in the areas of food safety, feed safety, and consumer health protection. Together with its other partners, the BVL initiated the platform and is responsible for its maintenance, support, and further development. Upon request and verification, access authorisations and protected workspaces are created.

Information and Communication System Information and Communication System Source: © BVL 2020

Managing crises with the FIS-VL

Current crises show that all government authorities should be closely connected in order to optimally respond to a crisis. Only with a close network can information be exchanged in a targeted and supra-regional manner in the shortest amount of time possible. A special role for BVL crisis management is given to the FIS-VL. Within a very short time, the FIS-VL is adaptable to the new crisis-driven circumstances. The FIS-VL is available around-the-clock and ensures a rapid exchange of information and data in the event of a crisis.
The technical solution of establishing closed workspaces for project and working groups also enables a collaboration across various locations, even with project participants that do not belong to a government authority, if their involvement is required.

Who does what within the FIS-VL?

The FIS-VL is based on a network in which various tasks and functions are to be performed:

  1. Specialised and technical administration of the system
  2. Heads of separated, access-restricted work areas
  3. Persons who provide documents and information
  4. Persons with read-only access and the ability to retrieve documents.

The FIS-VL is operated and managed by the BVL. Among the essential tasks are the administration and coordination as well as the maintenance and dynamic advancement of the system. A functional e-mail box (fis-vl@bvl.bund.de) has been set up at the BVL for FIS-VL support and user registration.

Contact points for FIS-VL are also available at the consumer health protection authorities. They are responsible for the exchange of information and the management of users in their area of responsibility. The General Administrative Regulation “Framework Surveillance" (AVV RÜb) governs, which authority designates a FIS-VL contact point.

All persons having access to the FIS-VL are part of the “FIS-VL user group“. They have access to individual, separate work areas and can perform different tasks there, depending on their level of authorisation.

How does the FIS-VL work?

Users may exchange documents, information, notes, tasks, and timelines in joint work areas. The option “task administration” enables a coordinated collaboration and the joint editing of documents. Furthermore, communication within the FIS-VL can take place via discussion forums, blogs, and Wikis.