Working group of food chemistry experts from the federal states and the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS)

Its task consists of coordinating the sampling and evaluation of products governed by the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB) within the monitoring authorities of Germanys 16 Federal States.


The ALS combined representatives from sampling facilities of all German Federal States and the German Armed Forces. Invited guests are officials of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the working group “food, commodities, wine and cosmetic products” of the State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAV) and the working group “food hygiene and food of animal origin” (ALTS). This circle of participants is managed by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).


The ALS is mainly involved in subject matters as composition and labelling of food, drinking water, dietary supplements, food additives, tobacco, residues and contaminants as well as chemical, chemical-physical and physical food analysis.

Special working groups as “commodities”, “dietary food, issues of nutrition and differentiation” “genetically modified food”, “cosmetic products” “wine and spirituous beverages”, were established to support the ALS board.

The ALS and the working group “food hygiene and food of animal origin” (ALTS) are closely collaborating in terms of shared topics. Both are therefore able to harmonize their results.


ALS statements are regularly published in the Journal for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (JVL) and on this website.

ALS decisions (in German)