Website of the Federal Office of Consumer protection and Food Safety

Das Bild zeigt die Flaggen vieler Länder. (Quelle: Christian Maurer - Christian Maurer -


Overview of the European and international commitment of BVL’s experts

The BVL – part of an international network!


As part of its international activities, the BVL organises, manages and supports projects and initiatives to promote collaboration with public authorities around the world. These projects pursue various different approaches and objectives.

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Development cooperation projects

BVL undertakes development cooperation projects.

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Committees at a glance

Here you will find an overview of all of the task forces, boards, committees, commissions and organizations that are chaired by BVL experts or to which BVL experts actively contribute.

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BTSF – EU training initiative

Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) is a broad-based training programme of the European Union (EU) that is principally intended for EU member states.

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International Training for Safer Food (ITS-Food)

International Training for Safer Food (ITS-Food)

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