Heads of Food Safety Agencies

The “Heads of Food Safety Agencies”, or "HoA", are an informal group comprised of the heads of the food safety authorities of EU Member States and further European countries.

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The main objective of the HoA is to facilitate exchange and promote cooperation of food safety authorities at leadership level. In particular, the HoA exchange information on the enforcement of the EU legal framework for controls along the food chain and its harmonized application.
The HoA members jointly identify best practice approaches to their work. By commissioning experts from their institutions to collaborate in working groups, they further develop risk management practices for Europe.
The HoA meet biannually at the invitation of the respective Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


The food safety authorities of all 27 EU Member States and further European countries are members of the HoA. These include states from the European Free Trade Areas such as Norway, Iceland and Switzerland as well as neighbouring states.
In addition, representatives of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (SANTE) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regularly take part in the meetings. They contribute the EU's position and gain applied knowledge for their work.

Plenary meetings and working groups

On behalf of the BVL, the President and experts from the Food Safety Department attend the biannual HoA plenary meetings. The working language is English.
In addition to the plenary meetings, the HoA have also set up working groups in which current topics are dealt with at expert level and joint reports are drafted.

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Key reports developed under HoA with contributions by BVL experts can be found here: