International support

Collaboration worldwide – for safe food!

International Programme Twinning, TAIEX, TCF: What is that?

As part of its international activities, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) organises, manages and supports initiatives in terms of both content and expertise to promote collaboration with public authorities around the world. These projects pursue various different approaches and objectives.

International support

For instance, the European Commission finances administrative cooperation between public authorities of member states of the European Union (EU) and “counterpart authorities” in third countries. These are typically authorities with a similar range of responsibilities. In addition to the EU there are also other institutions that provide financial support to international cooperation between public authorities such as the International Atomic Energy Organisation (IAEO), which finances study visits beyond national borders, particularly in the laboratory sector.

„Twinning partnerships“:

EU programme for the development of modern, efficient administrative structures in countries outside the EU and the establishment of long-term administrative partnerships between these countries and EU member states.

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Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX)::

EU programme for short-term, intermittent measures to support and strengthen the administration of countries outside the EU such as (potential) EU accession candidates or countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy.

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Technical Cooperation Fund (TCF):

IAEO programme for international cooperation in all areas that can be impacted by the peaceful use of nuclear energy. This also includes agriculture and food and therefore food safety.

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