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We are communicating matters pertaining to health protection of consumers in the fields of foodstuffs, feeding stuffs, consumer goods, plant protection products, animal drugs, and genetic engineering.

To this end, we are “broadcasting” on all channels – every day we are communicating by Twitter, YouTube, and Xing, and we are happy to engage in direct dialogue. We answer consumers’ questions by phone or e-mail. We present new developments in consumer protection at the Berlin International Green Week agricultural fair and other events. We may show, for instance, how Germany and the European Union are acting against food fraud, or how insects are authorised as a novel food. We prepare short, comic-style videos in order to explain complicated scientific and technical matters in a simple manner. Please take a look yourself! How are plant protection products authorised? How does the new genetic engineering method termed “genome editing” function?

We publish press and background information on topical developments. Apart from that, we regularly highlight a food of the season under the motto “Foods in the focus”. Here we inform readers on food safety aspects of strawberries, asparagus, gingerbread, salmon, etc. All data obtained about contamination of foodstuffs with germs, residues of plant protection products, or antibiotics is published in our “Reports on Food Safety”. These include the National Report on Residues of Plant Protection Products, the Food Monitoring Report, and the report on the Federal.

We also publish the “Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety”, the JCF. It is a scientific journal dealing with health protection of consumers. It contains articles on new methods of analysis of foodstuffs, on basic research in the field, and on government control activities concerning foodstuffs, feeding stuffs, genetically modified organisms or consumer goods. The journal provides information to interested consumers, government authorities, institutions, the press, industrial and civil associations, and businesses – primarily in Germany, but also in Europe and worldwide.

To explain it by an example…

By our Twitter channel @BVL_Bund, we give consumer advice and spread information dealing with health protection of consumers. The Laender authorities operate the channel @LMWarning, by which they send out information and warnings about food products which may harbour a health risk or are labelled in a misleading manner. Follow us on Twitter – we are looking forward to communicating with you!