Website of the Federal Office of Consumer protection and Food Safety

Ensuring Consumer Protection: Our Core Mission

Our mission revolves around ensuring the highest standards of consumer protection and the safety of plant protection and veterinary medicinal products. We strive to establish trust in the safety of food, feed, plant protection, and veterinary medicinal products.

Answering Questions in the Conference Answering Questions in the Conference Source: dglimages -

Collaborative Efforts for Safety

In close collaboration with Federal State authorities, we play a pivotal role in the uniform control and inspection of food products, ensuring a harmonized approach nationwide. Additionally, we coordinate notifications across various European rapid alert and information systems during crises involving food, feed, cosmetics, or veterinary medicinal products.

Alert Surveillance for Consumer Protection

The Common Central Unit for the Control of Food, Feed, Cosmetics, Consumer Goods, and Tobacco Products Traded on the Internet (G@ZIELT), based at the BVL, alongside the Common Central Unit for the Online Surveillance of Plant Protection Products (ZOPf), systematically monitors the internet for unregistered traders and risky products on behalf of federal state authorities. This proactive approach is essential for targeted, cross-border monitoring of online trade in these products.

Countering Fraud and Illegal Trade

Fraud and illegal trade in food, feed, cosmetics, veterinary medicinal, and plant protection products pose significant risks to human and animal health, as well as economic stability. To address these threats, we established an expert advisory board on food fraud at the BVL. Comprising representatives from scientific, Federal State, law enforcement authorities, and the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), we collaborate to effectively counter these risks.

Chicken farmer walking in the field. Chicken farmer Source: Davids C/ -

Regulatory Oversight and Approval

As the approval and licensing authority, we work closely with national and European institutions to enforce strict regulations governing the marketing and use of plant protection and veterinary medicinal products, as well as the approval of genetically modified organisms. Our decisions are based on sound scientific and legal principles.

Dedicated Professionals, Global Challenges

At BVL’s offices in Braunschweig and Berlin, approximately 900 dedicated and highly professional experts work in the fields of consumer protection and food safety. Additionally, they actively combat antimicrobial resistance and illegal pesticides. Their responsibilities extend to ensuring the control of genetic engineering and addressing the evolving challenges presented by globalized trade flows and pandemics.

Learn More About Our Work

Explore our international brochure to discover how we proactively engage in consumer protection and food safety every day, for the benefit of consumers.