Resistance occurs when bacteria change over time and no longer respond to medicines. Genetic mutation in bacteria can lead to antibiotic resistance. nobeastsofierce -

WAAW* Event:
Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance - Strategies and Challenges

20 - 21 November 2023 in Berlin

* World AMR Awareness Week

Impressions of the Event

on 20. from 13.00 to 18.00 and 21. November 2023 from 09.00 to 13.45

Below you will find the recording of the event. For details check out the programme of the event.

Please also note the information on data protection.

20 November 2023 (Day 1):

21 November 2023 (Day 2):

Please feel free to give us your feedback!
Survey code: 81762551