Resistance occurs when bacteria change over time and no longer respond to medicines. Genetic mutation in bacteria can lead to antibiotic resistance. nobeastsofierce -

WAAW* Event:
Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance - Strategies and Challenges

20 - 21 November 2023 in Berlin

* World AMR Awareness Week

Venue / Contact

The event will take place as a face-to-face meeting in Berlin; in addition, BVL offers the possibility to follow the event online.


Venue of the festive event: silent green Kulturquartier silent green Kulturquartier Venue of the festive event: silent green Kulturquartier Source: BVL / Carsten Röger

The event took place at the "silent green" Kulturproduktionen GmbH & Co. KG:

Address: Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin

Under the following link you will find more information about the event location:


If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email: