ITS Food 2019

In cooperation with the Max-Rubner-Institute (MRI), German federal research institute for nutrition and food under the remit of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), BVL offered a training course on “Food Safety and Risk Management’’ in Berlin.

22 international experts from the field of food and feed safety as well as risk management participated in BVL’s practical training course learning about the food safety system in the European Union by means of lectures, practical examples and exercises. The participants also got an insight into the European and national food surveillance framework, and were invited to join a visit to a food business operator with local competent control authority representatives.

The MRI dedicated a session to current developments in the field of food authenticity, e.g. discrimination of fish species, fruit cultivars and botanical families, the identification of extraneous proteins and protein hydrolysates in meat products, the discrimination of ecological and conventional milk and milk products as well as the identification of meat and milk from various animal species.


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