BVL-Symposium Challenges 2019: Detecting and combating illegal trade in plant protection products

Stand 24.08.2018 (Änderungen möglich)

Forum des Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Instituts (TI), Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig

Die Veranstaltungs- und Vortragssprache ist ENGLISCH.

1. Veranstaltungstag - 06. November 2018

ab 8:45Registrierung, Begrüßungskaffee
9:15Begrüßung, Eröffnung, GrußworteDr Helmut Tschiersky, President of the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)

MinDir Clemens Neumann, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
9:35Combat the illegal trade of plant protection products in the European Union – an overview Gonzalo Granado Lois, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Block 1Control of import and sales of plant protection products on the European market
9:50 EinführungDr Martin Streloke, BVL
Market control of plant protection products in Germany and actions against illegal trade
Dr Nils Kurlemann, BVL
Experiences on illegal and counterfeit plant protection products in Poland
Joanna Tuminska, PIORIN, Poland
10:45Silver Axe, an approach by the EU to control the illegal trade of plant protection productsGianluca Sabatino, EUROPOL
11:25Examples of illegal trade of plant protection products detected at the port of Hamburg Dr Jörg Buddemeyer, BWVI
Revealing the illegal trade of plant protection products – experiences and status of the cooperation in the EU
Xavier Frand, FASNK, Belgium
12:15Combating illegal trade as corporately task – cooperation between industry and control authoritiesDr Hans-Joachim Henn, Bayer AG
12:40Experience and results from investigations regarding counterfeit pesticidesDr Thierry Henne, OLAF, European Commission
Block 2How to organise the market control of plant protection products more efficient?
14:10EinführungDr Nils Kurlemann, BVL
The new Official Controls Regulation 2017/625
Dr Karin Corsten,
Activities of the European Commission: Working Group on Enforcement and Working Group on Formulation Labs
Gonzalo Granado Lois, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
15:05Counterfeit & illegal pesticides smuggling caused by unregulated international tradeD’Arcy Quinn,
CropLife International

Gonzalo Granado Lois, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Gianluca Sabatino, EUROPOL

Dr. Jörg Buddemeyer, BWVI

Dr. Hans-Joachim Henn, Bayer AG
17:00Ende des ersten Tages

2. Veranstaltungstag - 07. November 2018

ab 8:45Begrüßungskaffee
Block 3The role of laboratory analysis for the control of plant protection products
9:00EinführungSonia Tessier,
CRD, United Kingdom
9:05Analytical strategies for analysing plant protection products taken during market control Dr Christoph Czerwenka,
AGES, Austria
Interpretation of laboratory results in the field of quality control of plant protection products
Dr Claudia Vinke,
09:55Laboratory control of plant protection products and analytical practices used in the case of non-authorised samples in CZOlga Nováková,
UKZUZ, Czech Republic
The role of profiling and screening methods for the uncovering of illegal or counterfeit plant protection products
Dr Jim Garvey, Pesticide Control Laboratory, Ireland
Hungarian exeriences in the analysis of formulated and counterfeit pesticides
Lajos Benke,
National Food Chain Safety Office, Hungary
11:25Laboratory testing of plant protection products and detection of counterfeitsDr Marek Miszczyk, Institute of Plant Protection, National Research Institute, Poland
The role of multi-methods and GC/MS screening methods in the identification of co-formulants and foreign substances in plant protection samples
Kristina Dürkop,
12:45Resümee und SchlussworteDr Helmut Tschiersky, President of the BVL
13:00Ende der Veranstaltung

Informationen zum BVL-Symposium 2018