ITS Food

International Training for Safer Food

Learn more about the international training courses carried out by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL).

About ITS Food

The fourth international training course on food safety risk management will be held virtually in March 2022 by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) in collaboration with the Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food (Max Rubner-Institut (MRI)). This time the training will have a spotlight on food fraud and food authenticity. The training is free of charge.

Registration for the training is now closed.

ITS-Food ITS-Food Source: BVL

ITS Food provides you with in-depth knowledge on food safety, food fraud as well as risk and crisis management in Germany and the European Union. The training will cover relevant aspects which are crucial to a comprehensive risk management for safe and authentic food, feed and consumer products.

The intention of this training program is to increase knowledge and foster mutual understanding on food safety risk management as well as on tools for food fraud detection amongst participants from public food safety bodies. Practitioners from competent authorities, official laboratories and research institutions will share their insight and experience in order for participants to increase their level of expertise, share and identify best practice in their field of work, check out various tools for the different tasks and take take-home knowledge to share with colleagues. Participants will enjoy a high-level and hands-on technical exchange and have the opportunity to build new networks with colleagues from around the globe.

Our speakers and chairs are experienced experts from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) as well as from the Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food (Max Rubner-Institut (MRI)). The experts are also available during the breaks to meet and exchange with participants.

ITS Food Trailer

ITS Food Trailer

Watch the video trailer of the International Training for Safer Food and learn what to expect!